
把“egg on your face”翻译成“脸上的鸡蛋”,那可闹笑话!

原标题:把“egg on your face”翻译成“脸上的鸡蛋”,那可闹笑话!

01“egg on your face”怎么理解?

egg最常用的含义是“鸡蛋”,不过have egg on your face跟“鸡蛋”可是半毛钱关系都没有,简单来说就是“说做一些错事时被抓包了,处境尴尬”,非正式用语,用于口语

1. A: I thought I was right about the date, but it turns out I was completely wrong.

B: You must have had egg on your face when you realized your mistake.



2. A: I accidentally sent the email to the wrong person. I have egg on my face now.

B: It happens to everyone. Don't worry too much about it.



3. A: I tripped and fell in front of everyone at the party.

B: That must have been embarrassing. You had egg on your face for sure.



4. A: I made a joke that no one found funny. I definitely had egg on my face after that.

B: It happens. Not every joke lands well.



再扩展一下put all your eggs in one basket,啥意思?意思就是“把鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里”,用更专业一点的话来解释就是“孤注一掷”

1. A: I'm thinking about investing all my money in this one stock. It has the potential for huge returns.

B: Be careful. Putting all your eggs in one basket can be risky. Consider diversifying your investments.



2. A: I'm really counting on getting this job. I didn't apply anywhere else.

B: It's not a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket. You should apply to multiple places just in case.



3. A: I'm relying on this one client for most of my income.

B: It might be risky to rely solely on one client. It's like putting all your eggs in one basket.





电影结束后的彩蛋,你可别说是colorful egg,比较地道的说法是bonus scene.

"Bonus scene" 是一个常见的术语,通常用于电影、电视节目或视频游戏行业,指的是在作品的最后,作为额外内容呈现的镜头或片段。这些额外的镜头通常不是主要情节的一部分,而是为了增加趣味性、提供额外信息或者给观众带来惊喜而加入的。


1. This movie has a bonus scene after the credits that you won't want to miss.


2. Did you watch the bonus scene at the end of the game? It provides some interesting backstory.


3. The TV show's bonus scene gives a hint about what might happen in the next season.


02、egg someone on

egg someone on主要表示“怂恿某人做某些事情”的意思,有时候在某些文章或者英语小说里面也能看见这个词组。意思是激励或怂恿某人去做某事,通常是指鼓励别人去做一些可能有风险或者不太明智的事情。


1. Don't egg him on to do something dangerous.


2. His friends egged him on to ask his boss for a raise.


3. I don't want to egg you on, but it would be pretty funny if you did it.返回搜狐,查看更多


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