“live a little”是啥意思?可不是过点生活!

“live a little”。这是啥意思呢?是让他过点生活吗?“live a little”是一个口语化的习语,指的是放松一下、尝试新事物、享受生活,有时候也可以表示冒一点风险或做一些有趣的事情。


1. Come on, live a little! Let's go on an adventure this weekend.(来吧,放松一下!这周末我们去冒险吧。)

2. 你整天都在工作,何不出去放松一下呢?Live a little! (You've been working all day, why not go out and have some fun? Live a little!)

3. She's always so cautious, I wish she would just live a little and take some risks. (她总是如此谨慎,我希望她能多尝试一些新的事物,冒一点风险。)



- **用法:** "involution"通常用来描述一种复杂的内在发展或回归过程,强调事物内部的复杂性和发展。在不同领域,这个词可能有着略微不同的具体含义和应用。

1. The involution of the human brain is a fascinating subject for neuroscientists.(人类大脑的内在发展对神经科学家来说是一个迷人的课题。)

2. 这个数学问题的解决需要深入研究它的involution过程。(Solving this mathematical problem requires a deep understanding of its involution process.)

3. The social involution of the community led to a decrease in innovation and progress. (社区的社会内在发展导致创新和进步的减少。)

还有一种口语化的表达“rat race”,它通常用来描述现代社会中人们为了成功、财富或地位而不断竞争、忙碌的生活方式。这个习语带有负面意义,暗示着单调乏味、竞争激烈和压力大的生活状态。。

“rat race”这个习语源自实际的实验,实验中让老鼠在迷宫中竞争获取食物,象征着人们为了生存而不断竞争、忙碌的生活状态。

1. Many people feel trapped in the rat race and long for a simpler, more fulfilling life.(许多人感到被困在竞争激烈的生活中,渴望更简单、更充实的生活。)

2. 我已经厌倦了这种每天都在为工作竞争的生活,我想要一些休息和平静。(I'm tired of the rat race of competing for work every day, I want some rest and peace.)

3. The film criticizes the rat race mentality of society and encourages people to seek true happiness. (这部电影批评了社会的“老鼠赛跑”心态,并鼓励人们寻找真正的幸福。)

外媒将“躺平”翻译为lie flat或者couch potato

  • After a long day at work, she just wanted to lie flat on the sofa and relax.(工作了一整天后,她只想躺在沙发上放松。)
  • 他感到非常疲倦,只想躺平休息一会儿。(He felt very tired and just wanted to lie flat for a while.)
  • The patient was instructed to lie flat on the examination table during the procedure. (在操作过程中,医生告诉病人要平躺在检查台上。)

“couch potato”这个短语源自英语,结合了“couch”(沙发)和“potato”(土豆)两个词。它用来形容那些整天坐在沙发上看电视或消磨时间的人,暗示这些人缺乏运动和活力,即躺平返回搜狐,查看更多


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